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Friday givings with African Relief Fund

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Sudan Emergency Appeal

Why Friday are blessed

Fridays hold a special significance in Islam as they are considered blessed and hold a distinct spiritual value. This day is marked by various meaningful events in Islamic history, notably because it was on a Friday that God completed the creation of the heavens and the Earth. Muslims gather for congregational Jummah (Friday) prayers, considered obligatory for men, wherein a sermon is delivered.

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“The believers, in their mutual love, compassion, and sympathy are like a single body; if one of its organs suffers, the whole body will respond to it with sleeplessness and fever” (Hadith).

how to take part in friday givings

Participating in Friday givings, also known as “Jummah charity” or “Sadaqah Friday,” is a virtuous practice in Islam. To take part in this tradition, you can start by setting aside a portion of your wealth or resources, no matter how small, to give to those in need. This act of charity can be in the form of money, food, clothing, or any essential items that can benefit others. Many mosques and community organizations also collect donations on Fridays to support various charitable causes.

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Why charity is good on friday

Charity on Fridays holds particular significance in Islam due to the day's elevated spiritual status. Giving on Fridays, known as Jummah charity, aligns with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who emphasized the immense rewards and blessings associated with acts of charity on this day. It serves as a means of purification, multiplying the good deeds and blessings received. Engaging in charity on Fridays not only fulfills a religious duty but also fosters a sense of communal unity and compassion.

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Give Friday blessing every friday with ARF hadees

Embrace the spiritual essence and wisdom from the Hadith, fostering a deeper connection to this sacred day. Be part of our community in amplifying the blessings and insights from the teachings of the Prophet every Friday with ARF's Weekly Friday Blessing."

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can charity be given in various forms on Fridays?

Yes, charity on Fridays can take various forms, including financial donations, volunteering, and helping those in need. Muslims are encouraged to engage in acts of kindness that benefit the community and society as a whole.

Is there a recommended amount or percentage for charity on Fridays?

There is no specific amount or percentage mandated for charity on Fridays. The emphasis is on sincerity and willingness to give. Muslims are encouraged to give according to their means and with a generous heart.

Why are Fridays important in Islam?

Fridays are considered the holiest day in Islam. It is the day of the weekly congregational Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer, during which Muslims gather to pray and listen to the sermon. The significance of Fridays is emphasized in various hadiths, and Muslims are encouraged to engage in acts of worship, including increased charity, on this blessed day.

How does ARF ensure the effectiveness of "Friday Givings" donations in Africa?

ARF prioritizes transparency and accountability in its operations. The organization works closely with local communities, implements projects with a long-term impact, and ensures that donations are used efficiently to address the specific needs of the people in Africa.

Join Us on Our Journey to Make a Difference in the World

African Relief Fund is looking for ways to expand its ways to gather donations for aid projects in African communities. But we need your Help. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of unprivileged people in Africa and give them the chance they deserve.

Donate Now and Make a World a Better Place!

Your donation will reach people who are in dire need of it through our several emergency aid projects.

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Camel (Full)
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Camel (Hissa)
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Price £315
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Price £45
Price £70
Price £70
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